Compress yourself with the new and improved, Shrinx TM.We’ve extended in two directions the traditional waist nipper and through this new design have created an all in one slimming garment that addresses common female trouble spots. Lightweight and compressive nylon/spandex blend smoothes from underneath breast to upper thigh Eliminates back bulge No ill fitting bra shelf to deal with No clasps or painful hooks Wear under tops, dresses, pants, or skirts and it doesn’t roll up or down. Comes in black and nude.Tres Sleek Collection
So,tell us why you would love to own these two fabulous slimming under garments from Tres Sleek. A Few Goody Gumdrops will pick the winner and Tres Sleek will send the products from their office to you. These two pieces from Tres Sleek will allow you to fit into that stylish dress you have been dreaming of wearing. and so comfortable. Contest will end July 18th. First, you must

Why do I want to win this? I have six kids.
Is that a sufficient reason? I am not as skinny as I used to be.. don't get me wrong… I'm a sexy beast… just have a little more lumps than I used to have!
Sooo….. this would be a really good way to slip into a sexy dress for a wedding we are going to in September! Gonna meet my guys college fraternity brothers again and I'd love to be a little more sexy!
I could use this!
I would love to win both of these Tres Sleek products! My son is getting married and these products would be my 5 pound weight loss for the wedding! Thank you Goody Gumdrops for sharing this info abput such a great slimming product!
I would love to win this because there are def some dresses in my closet that aren't getting any wear because of a certain lumpyness.
hollyollyberry [at] yahoo [dot] com
I'd love to win this because they can hide my muffin top. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'd love to win this because I'm currently on a diet to lose quite a bit of weight and this is exactly the type of thing I need to slim the spare tire around my mid-section and make my clothes fit more comfortably. It's defenitly a matter of confidence. With this weight It's become a chore to look in the mirror and see the lumps and bumps through my stomach and my back. That is why I'd love to win this.
LilB1293 (at) aol (dot) com
I want to win bc I birthed a 9 lb baby. NUFF SAID
It would greatly help me improve my abdominal area.
I would love to have these — wearing them would make me much more confident at work, where I have to dress-to-impress every day!
I'd so love to be able to wear my pre-pregnancy clothes right now, instead of being confined to two or three wardrobe choices until I work off my baby belly!
I would love to win these two slimming items because I really dread wearing dresses because I can never find the perfect undergarment. Winning these two pieces from Tres Sleek would enable me to be more inclined to go out and by those form-fitting dresses (like bandage dresses) that are so in style right now. I even have a dress that I bought 3 years ago that I can't bring myself to wear..the tank-teeni would be an awesome fix. I hope I win!
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I want to win because I am far off from an hourglass shape!
xemailheather at gmail dot com
I have a few dresses in my closet that I love, but need a little "extra help" to fit perfectly. I would be so thankful for that help!
I need to win because I have dresses I can't wear. I saw my pix when my son got married and swore I wouldn't try that again.
Ever since my C-Section, my abdominal area has not been the same. No matter how much I exercise that area, I can't seem to reduce it. Since I refuse to go thru a tummy-tuck, I figure that this might be the perfect solution to my troubles.
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
What a great giveway! I would love to win the prize — Because let's face it — who couldn't use a little extra help to look great!
I would love to win the SLEEK SHRINK to eliminate back bulge and rolls and the TANK TEENI would be fantastic because I could wear my own bra with it! Hallelujah! I hate built in bra shelfs – I always end up wearing my own bra because the shelf doesn't provide enough support! All in all, I would love
to look smooth instead of lumpy and
both of these garments would do the trick!!!
I want these because I like to dress up and I don't have the most svelte physique so this would give me more confidence when I wear clothing that are tight on me. I am also hoping it will be tight on me so I can make the most out of my small breast size. lol
shopgurl101 (at) gmail (dot) com
I really would love to win this! I'm in nursing school, and have fallen prey to stress eating! With graduation, and all the grad parties coming up I could really use this! I want to look good, and losing the weight is not going to happen in such a short time frame!
i soo need this! then i could wear dresses and look like a sexy mama!
thanks for the contest!
This seems awesome – better than some of the traditional products meant for this. I'd love to hide the sides. )=
I would LOVE to own these because there have been so many adorable summer dresses that I have wanted to buy but just haven't felt right in. You can only do so much with working out… sometimes little summer dresses still don't look good without that little somethin somethin! 🙂 I need this as my little somethin somethin!
kkondek at
I have a bunch of events coming up and I'd love to be a bit slimmer for them!
I'd love to win this because I'm short and my body type makes it hard for me to look good in anything besides contemporary business casual wear.
I would love to try these products. Having a bigger chest makes it hard to find all-in-one shapers that fit.
I follow you on Googe Reader
Already subscribed 🙂
This sounds like something that would be perfect for me to hid my rolls!
I've gained a lot of weight in the last few years from medication and emotional eating and it's all gone to my belly!
With one of these to wear, I might not have to look pregnant when I'm not!
I would love to win this, I am visiting my parents for the first time after having the twins and have my brothers wedding to attend in November. I would love something to "slim" me down when im wearing my dress!
Thanks for the chance =]
I would love to win because I really need it. Due to massive weight loss, while I am "thin" to an extent, I definitely am not firm and I would love to feel better in tight clothing.
As a petite gal sometimes I run in to clothes that just don't fit quite right. This will do the trick.
so i can recover a little of my wardrobe from weight gained from birth control. urrrrrr…
All sizes are available in a delicious array of colors and patterns, with long-sleeved tees available for the upcoming Fall season! In the Tank-teeniTM, you'll look and feel noticeably trimmer and sleeker, but onlookers will never know your secret and we won't tell them!tinggi badan