Current Elliott… he Hottest Jean Label! Flying off the shelves at Singer 22. Click Here To Shop Current Elliott. Look for the Current Elliott Jeans, Jacket or Vest. Pictured here are the Shrunken JJ Jacket and the Hickory Stripe Boyfriend Jeans! These are the Current jeans to own!
Shop Singer22 on A Few Goody Gumdrops! Click Here To Purchase! Recently seen in Vogue and The NY Times. Our favorite Are the slouchy Boyfriend Jeans! You’ll definitely need to size down as they tend to run big. The denim is so comfortable! Pair with Bell Shirts from Singer22 for a Great Look.

You are right up to the moment with the lastest jeans! Love your blog.
Great jeans.Thanks for the tip.Jill
Great jeans….getting them for my daughter-in-law.
Thanks for the tip!
I bought the boyfriend jeans and they are ripping as we speak.They are paper thin and so comfy!I love the rips! You will probably need to size down two sizes as they really stretch! Your boyfriend will probably be able to fit in them, too!