Powderflage Sweepstakes!
Holiday is around the corner and at Benefit we’re just fall-ing in love with our newest products! Gift Me Gorgeous! Powderflage Sweepstakes! To celebrate the success of POWDERFLAGE, our new powder concealer for eyes & face, we’re giving away a brand new Louis Vuitton Monogramouflage Speedy 35 handbag and $200 worth of benefit products! You’ll be “flage-ing” in style! Enter now! You may also enter the sweepstakes at a Benefit Boutique.No purchase necessary. Open to US residents 18 or older. Sweepstakes ends 11/10/08; winner will be drawn near 11/24/08.Plus, don’t forget about our new shipping offer on any purchase over $50!
Click Here to Enter!
Benefit Cosmetics Powderflage Sweepstakes! Enter to win a Louis Vuitton Monogramoflage Speedy 35 filled with $200 in Benefit goodies! Contest ends 11.10.08.