Our Kind of Experiment!
Can you find your latest shoe obsession faster with images than with words? TheFind.com is testing out a new visual search site and wants your feedback! As a thank you for completing the survey, you will be treated to some fab coupons from Bluefly, Shoebuy, and Naturals of Ashland. Here’s how it works:
1. Go go visual.thefind.com
2. Type in a shoe search (eg. gladiator sandals) or click on a “Top Shoe Searches” link
3. Some products will show buttons for “find similar” and “compare” upon mouseover. Click on one of these buttons
4. You should see products similar in shape and color
5. When you’re done, click the “take our survey” link at the top of the results
6. Tell us what you think!
7. Collect your coupon codes at the end of the survey.