In the wake of the Haitian Earthquake crisis, famed LA-based t-shirt line, Kid Dangerous Grime Couture, designed the “HELP HAITI” tee, with all proceeds going to the One Dome At A Time Emergency Fund.
On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, at 4:53pm, Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, suffered its worst earthquake of record. The 7.0 earthquake hit the capitol, Port-au-Prince, where 60% of buildings were unsafe to live in before the earthquake hit. The Palacial “White House” of Haiti has crumbled along with the entire city, including the main hospital. Haiti needs help NOW more than ever.
With the help of companies like Kid Dangerous, One Dome at a Time is providing immediate relief and working to rebuild housing in Port-au-Prince. The “domes” are rated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as Near-Absolute Protection from natural disasters including earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and fire. The design of the t-shirts, available in Men’s sizes S-XXL and Women’s sizes S-L, builds upon the Haitian flag, featuring the Haitian coat of arms and reads in distressed block lettering, simply “HELP HAITI”. Kid Dangerous opted to retail the t-shirts at the lower price of $35, (these luxury tees normally retail anywhere from $45-90) in order to get awareness out and encourage people to get involved and donate. T-shirts are available for pre-order on the Kid Dangerous website, www.kiddangerous.com and will be available for delivery by January 22nd. For further information on the One Dome At A Time Charity: www.onedomeatatime.org You can make a difference!

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