A Few Goody Gumdrops is so excited to share this exciting online jewelry website and store, TraxNYC Corp. located in New York City’s famed diamond district. They have the most amazing collection of black diamonds.A simply elegant black diamond ring, Joe Rodeo watch or bracelet is the perfect accessory for your couture ensemble. Black diamonds can be worn casually with your skinny jeans and ankle booties or your latest Giorgio Armani cocktail dress and Louboutin’s. If you’re like me and love to indulge with the latest fashion accessory…black diamonds.They also carry a fabulous selection of precious gems and other high quality merchandise. Feel free to customize your diamond ring, watch, necklace or bracelet.

Dont waste your time with these overpriced jewelers, the nickname Trash NYC wasnt made up for no reason. You can find your diamond watches and black diamond jewelry at http://www.212diamondcity.com