While on vacation and getting ready to meet friends for dinner I bent down and to my dismay the button popped off my white pants. Naturally, this was not just any button. It was a non-reusable logo inscribed Chanel button. Definitely not the type of button that could be sewn back on. I called the front desk of the hotel to see if they had safety pins. Fortunately, they had ONE in a small sewing kit. However, this tiny safety pin broke as I tried to use it. It was way too small and not strong enough for the material of the pants.
I told my husband who (don’t ask me how) happens to be able to sew to “just sew me in” the pants. He said, “What”???? I quickly ran to the bathroom as I knew once we were out to dinner I wouldn’t be able to use it for a few hours. He threaded the needle and effortlessly began to sew. Five minutes later we left our room and went to dinner. (I was totally sewn in my pants)
Luckily the Isabel Marant sheer top I was wearing covered the zipper which now had makeup all over it from my desperate attempts to use the safety pin. Later that night my husband undid his handiwork. If you can relate to this….don’t bend down in skin tight pants. What’s next for my hubby? Maybe a sewing machine??? Did I mention I caught the sheer flowy top on the screen door????
I remember one time when I was going to the bathroom, and the button popped off my pants and fell in the worst place possible. I just so happened to be wearing hot pink Capri pants, to make the matter worse (the loose kind). Already-slightly-loose pants and the button in the freshly-used toilet do not make for a good combination. My pants kept slipping a little for the rest of the day, and I had to keep my hands to the waist for most of that time to tug them up. So yeah, I can relate to popping a button in a bad situation.