A Conversation between three besties! Betsy to Ellen and Linda about Motown The Musical for Linda’s Birthday.
Sugar-Pie, Honey Bun…we need to decide our dates quickly cuz I Can’t
Help Myself, Motown the musical is opening the end of March. Tickets
will be selling out quickly. We can stay at “My Girl” Marisa’s cuz
tickets will be $$$$.” Getting Ready” to meet Monday morning at my
house to figure this out? Ain’t No Mountain High Enough…we can do this!
Ellen to Betsy and Linda!
VERY cute!!!! I really R-E-S-P-E-C-T you for your decision to hold an
urgent meeting to find a date to go see Motown in NYC!’. Great idea!!
I can meet sometime Monday.
Linda to Betsy and Ellen:
Hold On..I’m Coming..but can’t on Monday!! Xo
Betsy to Linda and Ellen:
Come On…Need To Have You Next To Me I can’t book the tickets without you. When can we Boogie Down Broadway????
Linda to Betsy and Ellen:
I Heard It Through the Grapevine that tomorrow afternoon is a perfect time to get tickets!
Ellen to Linda and Betsy
So excited the tickets are Signed, Sealed and Delivered. Now I’m Dancing In The Streets!
Betsy to Linda and Ellen
Can’t wait to see the show, hang out with Three Times a Lady and Shop Around!

Where did our love go (?) im not invited – no open invites????
That was so adorable and creative!!!
I think the three of you certainly have talent, and perhaps a new profession !!!
“1-2-3”, I’m ready!!!! “Motown” in NYC with my BFFs will be a blast!!!!