At least twenty plus years ago I had a total MCM wardrobe right down to the sweatsuits with the logo trim. (They eventually went off to a consignment shop) Yup….that’s what they were called then…sweatsuits. I proudly wore the sneakers, too. I had every style bag, my favorite being the small black circular cross body with the long gold chain and the interchangeable colored fringe doo-dads that hung just-so from the bottom of the bag. I had a mini collection of white/navy, black/black and tan/black MCM bags. Over the years I’ve collected so many designer bags that I’m not sure where I hid my MCM ones! I was tired of using them and the store closed so I figured they were done and over.
Don’t you hate when you hide things and then you have NO idea where you hid what you’re looking for? I’m still hoping these bags will magically appear in one of my over-stocked closets. For those of you who know me really well…that could be quite a task. Nothing is easy to find in my closets.
Coincidentally, my Mom recently started using her MCM clutch again (it’s light and easy to carry) and then SURPRISE…the bags are now back in style and featured on one of my favorite sites. My mom instinctively has great taste and somehow must have known the bags were making a comeback!!!! The old adage…”everything that’s old becomes new again” is really starting to ring true especially when it comes to designer bags and accessories. Their bags are now back with a vengeance…detailed with funky studding throughout…gunmetal and or gold metal studs. All the bags feature the signature MCM brass plaque, leather piping, MCM logo lining, extra pockets and adjustable straps. Click the link to indulge MCM.