While I love Valextra bags, for the life of me, I can’t figure out why they named these bags...Isis Small Bag with Strap and Isis Tote. Yes, the bags are handsomely stunning but come on…isn’t there a better name??? Seriously, Valextra, it’s time to re-name this bag. The name is totally offensive to most people. I blog about your bags all the time. I even own one (that I adore) and a few accessories. I truly can’t promote a line of bags with a handbag named Isis. I’m sure you named it awhile ago, at least, I hope you did, and you probably had a very good reason, but now it’s time to change the name! There are no rules when it comes to naming bags, shoes or any fashion pieces. So, when a name stands for something so horrific and despicable…do the right thing! I’m sure in your bags of tricks you can successfully find another name for these lovely bags. If you must carry the Isis Small Bag or the Isis Tote, click the actual images or the purple links to indulge. I’d surely wait til the bags have been renamed!
Roxy says
How close-minded. Isis is the Egyptian goddess of health, marriage and wisdom. She has claim to the name long before the terrorist group grabbed the acronym.
Betsy Brown says
However, the name has such a bad connotation now, and most people do not know the history of the name. Therefore, it’s the right thing to do. Valextra has messaged me on my Instagram and told me they, in fact, did change the name to Iside, the goddess of motherhood and fertility. They also saw the need to change this. It’s not being small minded when this name stands for a radical group and people associate this name with that group! Probably, not so good for handbag sales!
The Fashionable Housewife says
Basically, it sounds like whoever is designing the bags is so busy and out of touch with reality that they don’t want the news or read newspapers. OR, they named that bags ISIS specifically to get attention. Regardless of whether or not Isis is the name of an egyptian goddess of health, etc, it’s just not cool to be throwing the name “ISIS” around right now considering the group ISIS is threatening our way of life and killing our people.
Betsy Brown says
They have changed the name! The name was after an Egyptian Goddess, so I don’t think they meant any harm. However, the association was too great, and, fortunately, they changed it to Iside, Goddess of motherhood and fertility! (good name for you, too)