Before there were Vine videos, YouTube celebrities, French fashion houses, or any recognizable couture, people still needed to go out and about and protect themselves from the elements. WAY back in the day (talking 30,000 B.C. or so), our hunter-gatherer ancestors dressed for success in fur that they procured from animals in the wild.
Believe it or not, some of the artifacts researchers have found indicate that many paleo mommas were surprisingly gifted seamstresses. Obviously, they lacked the tools to create fashion concoctions like Gucci’s Princetown loafers or the Army-inspired fur coats that we’ve been chatting about recently. But those paleo fur garments weren’t solely functional. Yes, they did keep out the chill enough to prevent you from freezing to death during a mammoth hunt. But they also served as status symbols. And you can bet your bottom dollar that folks back then compared clothes and gossiped crudely about fashion, just like we do today.
In fact, here’s something related and mind-blowing. If you plucked a baby from 30,000 B.C. and transported her in a time machine to the 21st century and raised her here, she would look, act and think just like a modern person. We haven’t changed all that much since the late paleo especially with our love of fur.
So if you’re wondering why you and all your friends (and tastemakers like Sienna Miller and the Olson twins) are getting into fur this season, the answer is that we’ve all always been into it. It’s in our DNA, baby! Click the purple links to indulge! Who doesn’t love a black fur knit jacket or a designer scarf?