Men have long raised their eyebrows when they see the price tag on women’s handbags. Women know bags serve as some of the hardest-working accessories we own. They carry what women need for the day, but more importantly, they sensitively express mood, personal characteristics, and fashion sense.
Mass-produced bags are not for the fashion-conscious shopper. Finding the point that fashion meets function is a constant challenge. Many women choose bags that feature a designer logo for the same reason they buy designer clothing. They want their bag to tell others they are confident and successful. They know their own uniqueness and want accessories that reflect the same characteristics.
Women also point to the improved quality often found in designer bags. They are willing to pay for the attention to detail and the high-quality materials that make designer bags last. Such materials feel luxurious to the touch, pleasing the hands as much as the eyes. Stitching and lining all enhance the impression of something that was created for their exclusive pleasure.
Premium-quality bags aren’t mass-produced like the ones sold by low-price vendors. Some stay true to one designer, building an extensive collection. They feel what is unique today will be timeless tomorrow, a limited-edition item they can pass on.
What do you think? Do you spend the hundreds, even thousands of dollars to have a bag with a designer name? Is the name alone enough for you to plunk down the change, or do you look for additional features? Click the links below to indulge!
Givenchy Faux Leather Shoulder Bag
Off White Binder Clip Patent Leather Bag