Some of Gucci’s bags are very simple, and they look the same from one year to the next. They feature a solid background and the logo, nothing more, but they come with the designer’s premium grade leather, high-quality stitching, and sumptuous lining. Women choose them because they want a timeless classic and dependable quality that lasts.
Then there are the bags that make a statement. This season Gucci has several embellished bags that are flying off the shelves. The Dionysus small shoulder bag is just big enough to carry the essentials and comes in 18 styles. Each is uniquely detailed and features a clasp embossed with two dragon heads in honor of the Greek god Dionysus. Additional details make each style intriguing and unique.
Gucci also brought back the green and red striped ribbon from years ago. Carry one in calf leather with a butterfly ornament. One of our favorite pieces is the Ophidia shoulder bag, a black vintage-looking piece embroidered with dragons. Jackie O carried something like it, but this one comes in black suede and features the Gucci logo. Jackie Kennedy was known as one of the most stylish First Ladies, and Gucci has long reflected on her fine taste. Pre-order any of the bags to take delivery in 2018. Click the purple links to indulge luxury Gucci Bags!
White Gucci Moth Embellished Bag
Gucci Crystal Clear Butterfly
Green Ophidia Bag
Black Leather Ophidia with dragon
Gucci green and black ribbon bag