There’s nothing worse than waking early in the morning, or perhaps in the middle of the night after a party, knowing that something just isn’t right. A fever, a migraine, sore throat, stomach cramps or a combination of everything – is enough to knock anyone off their feet for a few days. But if you have a busy lifestyle, or have dependents to run around after, that’s a lit easier said then done. You might not have the option of binging on your favorite TV shows before you get better, watching makeup tutorials or reading the guide to buying the ideal eye cream, but don’t worry! During this time of year, sickness, coughs and colds are inevitable so, read on for some handy tips on how you can survive your own sick days.
Cancel your plans
Yep, that’s right. Cancel those plans – all of them. You’re taking a sick day! Yes, your mother in law might be disappointed that you’ve canceled Sunday Lunch at her favorite pub, but she’ll have to get over it – the same as you need to get over your sickness. Don’t feel guilty, your body needs to rest so listen to it. By allowing yourself time to rest, you’ll be further down the road to recovery then you would be if you tried to force conversation between trips to the bathroom…
Keep hydrated
You can’t flush out a virus or a cold, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t maintain your hydration levels. Whether you’re vomiting, shivering, sweating or can’t leave the bathroom for too long, you’re going to be losing precious body salts and fluids that your body needs to keep fighting your sickness. So give them a helping hand and keep a bottle or glass of water nearby during your sick day.
Get cozy
Your mom probably won’t be able to bring you endless bowls of chicken soup or dab your forehead with a cold flannel, so you need to get yourself sorted. Create an area – either in bed or on the sofa – and gather everything you might need around you for your sick day. From the TV remote to your medication, painkillers, water, snacks (if you have the stomach for them) sick bowl, tissues, your phone, it’s charger, pillows, blankets and anything else that brings you comfort.
Your skin might be a little sensitive while you’re ill, so get into your PJs or something light and airy, so you don’t get too hot and a nice pair of socks for those chilly toes.
Clean up
When you’re pretty sure you’re over the worst of your sickness, and when you have the energy to do so, take the time to clean up after yourself. This means washing your bedsheets, pillows, and blankets on a high-temperature setting, as well as disinfecting anything you might have touched such as door handles, the TV remote and of course your smartphone. By doing this you’re reducing the risk of someone else in your family or guests from picking up the infection. If you’re still not 100% get someone to help you on your sick day.
Get well soon!
Great suggestions. Staying hydrated and cozy definitely helps a lot.
I love getting cozy when I’m sick!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
OOOH tis the season! I hope it doesn’t hit me this year!
xoxo Christie