These bags are so uniquely cool and can be worn for season’s to come. “Globe-trotting les petits joueurs founder Mariasole Cecchi launched her line of Italian luxury handbags following a flash of creativity: one night before a party, she customized an old bag by gluing LEGO® blocks to it, delighting the other partygoers.” The acrylic lego clutch was the start and inspiration of this creatively cool line of bags or “works of pop art”. Click the blue links to indulge these quirky bags. I’m buying the must-have lego LOVE box clutch. Can’t wait to wear next weekend! (Yes, the bags are pricey but not as bad as you’d think) How cute is the mini tweed pom-pom bag! (pom-poms are this season’s craze) Have fun shopping and collecting Les Petits Joueurs! The more the merrier. These bags and other goodies are also available when you shop our Online Boutique.