We’re always on the hunt for the latest handbag. Why? We’ve always loved owning the latest “it” bag and a whole lotta bags in between. In the last few years, we’ve come to realize there’s really not an “it” bag except the classic Hermes styles, and that’s almost the price of college tuition. Having a bag you love is the, most important and changing them up is fun, too. We just discovered Elleme bags which are amazing. While they don’t break the bank, (bags are so pricey this one could be in reason) they have a casual-chic style. Honestly, I always buy black, but I’m drawn to the light pink or blue (these two pastels are GORG) which I never buy. The bags are easy to wear and feature a soft color and a cool design.
The Elleme Raisin Bag comes in numerous colors; white, sky blue, light pink, red, black, and tan. So many options and why not??? It’s the perfect “non-it” bag! The bag is made of cowhide leather and is made in Italy. The bag closes with a spring lock and a magnetic tab, so there’s less chance of losing everything like “yours truly.” The best is the bag can be carried by the rolled handle or the shoulder strap. Two bags in one….a tote or a shoulder bag. I’m ready to shop right here. Click the purple links to shop and indulge. There are seven great choices so you can’t go wrong. The Elleme raisin bag looks super cool paired with instant faves: jeans, sneakers, and Fred and Sibel’s off-the-shoulder tops. Click the actual tops to shop!
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