You willl never guess the designer of these “classic” bags.We were shocked.These “Candy” acrylic (designer) surfing bags look like those cheap scenic postcards you send from any beachy vacation spot.It’s our fashionable opinion these bags are ridiculous even if you love the ocean and a bright sunset. We’d pair these surfer-chic bags with cutoffs, flip flops, an old sleeveless tee and pink zinc. We are assuming these clutches are for evening and going out. Hmmmm…..maybe throwing out! Honestly, there is nothing redeemable about these bags. So…did you guess the designer yet? Are you ready……it’s none other than Jimmy Choo! You are saying what we said, “WTF”??? That’s what we said! Now that you know it’s Jimmy Choo would you actually buy one of these bags? Hard to believe these bags are pricey, too. Don’t get me wrong…we love most things, Jimmy Choo. If the surf is up for you, click the link to indulge, if not keep looking on this site! Let’s hope this is a very limited collection. We’d pass on the wave.