Although many of Alexander Wang’s handbags are rather heavy (most of those bags have lots of studding detail) they remain very stylish looking. We haven’t actually carried this bag but are drawn to the edgy, slouchy, styling of The Robyn. We have a thing for “sacky” type bags even though we can’t easily find our things in a deep bag.We never err on practicality so that’s OK. This toffee colored bag is the perfect neutral color and will look even better as it ages. (especially if you don’t carry suntan lotion in it!) Wang’s bags are all so wearable and relatively easy to carry.
Wang’s bag features a long narrow drawstring belt with a buckle and is made of textured natural calf nubuck. Thankfully there is an interior pouchette so we can carry our lip glosses and lip liners. (phew!!!) Wang’s Robyn looks ever-so cool on the shoulder (not big and bulky) and works great for everyday or super casual with distressed jeans, a Wang tee, Wang’s Dalene strappy peep toe sandals and his London Sunglasses in brown tortoise shell.
You’ll be excited to know that many of these items are on sale! Click the link to indulge one of our favorite edgy and hip designers! Be sure to tell us what you pruchase!